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Daily payments report

The daily report is sent in CSV format to the email address specified in your agreement with Bank 131. If you wish to receive the reports in the XLSX or in a different way, for example, via SFTP, please contact your Bank 131 manager.

How to use the report

The report sent by Bank 131 contains a list of all successful operations for a day (24 hours). You need to check the operations on your side against those in the report.

In case of any discrepancy, contact your Bank 131 manager. The timeframe for making corrections is specified in your agreement with the Bank.

Report file name

<Project name>_YYYY-MM-DD_YYYY-MM-DD

Report fields

Field nameExampleDescriptionField length
ID27291237020Bank 131 payment identifier15-32
paymentSessionId23Payment session identifier0-100
Contract100-C-000000The number of your contract with Bank 1316-100
Project nameacquiring_cardThe name of your project on Bank 131's side2-100
Payment typeAdvicePayment type Possible options: Adjustment, Advice, Refund, Recurrent. More details10-16
Amount110Total of the operation in rubles1-12
Settlement-2Total of the settlement the Bank must transfer to you. The total of the settlement can be negative, for example for Refund or Chargeback1-12
Fee-2Bank 131's total fee (as per the agreement). Specified as a negative value.1-12
Transaction Date and Time11.01.2020 00:00:08Date and time of the transaction on Bank 131's side19
Card number4...1878Masked number of the card_/wallet number used to make the payment9-19
rrn12345678Retrieval Reference Number: the unique identifier of a bank transaction12
paymentSessionMerchantMetadata1Di732vw57Your additional data that you passed within the request for the operation6-20


Payment types

  • Adjustment – partial cancellation of a transaction
  • Advice – successful transaction
  • Refund – rollback of a successful transaction
  • Recurrent – recurring payment (automatic payment or repeated payment)

How to receive large report files

In case of large amount of data, Bank 131 is able to send report files with one of the methods below:

  • A CSV or XLSX file split into parts in CSV or XLSX format.
  • A single ZIP archive file (CSV or XLSX file archived).
  • A ZIP archive file split into parts (CSV or XLSX file archived and then split into parts).

This can help to deal with the issues when your email server cannot process a single email file with a size larger than specified. To know more about this service, please contact your manager at Bank 131.

In some cases, Bank 131 can split and/or archive reports based on their own business and/or operational needs.

You can specify the number of transactions you want to receive in each part of a report to split the report file in accordance with that number.

Example of split report


Report example

Download report example