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When a transaction has a beneficiary, Bank 131 must identify the recipient before processing.

It may be so if you cooperate with the self-employed on the agency basis (where the self-employed is your beneficiary and you are the agent receiving payments on their behalf) and send them payouts or split payments.

Or you make payments using an escrow account account, then the money in this account belongs to the beneficiary. This can be an individual or a legal entity, both the payer and the payee - depending on your legal model. If you don't know who the beneficiary is, contact your Bank 131 manager.

To verify the beneficiaries that are individuals or legal entities, you will need to fill in a form. The form will be provided by the Bank's manager.

To verify the beneficiaries that are individuals, you should use the API methods described in this section.

If you do not know if you have to identify beneficiaries, you do not need to.

How to set up interaction

Interaction with the API goes the other way than usual:

  1. You need to use CryptoPro to sign the requests. That is required by law.
  2. You need to provide to your maager a list of IP addresses from which requests will be made.

Learn more about interaction

How to perform an identification

Step 1. Send the verification request

Send the check request with the data of an individual. In response, you will receive an application ID for verification.

Identification is performed using information obtained from the IEIS..

You will receive the verification request ID.

Step 2. Check the result

Send the check/{id} request with the ID you received in the previous step.

It may take 10 minutes to 2 days before you get the verification result.

If it is all right ("status": "ok"), send the money.

If you send a duplicate cheсkrequest with the same details (inn and agent_contract_number), you will get the error ("description": "already exists") as a response to check/{id}.

If the questionnaire is not accepted by Bank 131 ("status": "error"), then you should clarify the personal data of the individual and resend the request.

The reason why Bank 131 cannot accept the questionnaire is returned in the response in the description field. The list of possible errors is described in the section Response and errors.

How Bank 131 knows the data are verified

When sending a payout to a self-employed, you need to specify the taxpayer identification number (INN in Russia) in the tax_reference field. This taxpayer identification number will let Bank 131 know that the self-employed has passed the identification.

When sending a payout from an escrow account you specify the beneficiary's INN in the beneficiary_id field. The Bank will process the transaction after the beneficiary has been identified.