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Payments via bank card

You can accept payments by Visa, Mastercard, or Mir cards.

Card payment scenario

  1. Create a payment session that is separate from the actual payment (session/create) or a single combined session (session/init/payment).

At this point, you can connect the payment form widget or tokenize the bank card to accept payments without the widget.

  1. If you are not using the widget and have created the session separately from the start of the payment, then send a session/start/payment request.
  2. Bank 131 will send you a ready_to_confirm webhook, which means that the Bank is ready to make the payment and is waiting for your confirmation.
  3. Confirm (confirm_request) or cancel (cancel_request).
  4. Bank 131 will send you an action_required webhook. Redirect the user to the address for 3D Secure.

    If you are using our widget and receive an action_required webhook, just send the 200 HTTP code in response, while the customer will be redirected by us.

  5. Bank 131 will send you a payment_finished webhook containing the result of the payment. If the status is succeeded, this tells you that the payment was successful.

Card payment diagram

This diagram shows the payment stages after the session was initiated and the payment created.

Card payment diagram

Tokenize card without widget

Bank 131 can store tokenized data for Russian cards on the Bank's side. This may be convenient in case your PCI DSS level is insufficient to store card data or if you decide not to use the tokenization widget for some reason. You can pass tokenized data to Bank 131 after the first payout transaction and use it for further payouts.

You can also reuse the card data received during a payment transaction to make payouts to the same card later. This works both for hashed acquiring data and tokens.

To tokenize card data without the widget, use the tokenize/elements method. Use the token returned by the method in further payment or payout requests.

All data tokenized in this way is not project dependent (e.g., a payout project token can be used to accept payments in another project, etc.)