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Transfers without opening an account

This functionality allows individuals to transfer funds from Russia to Turkey without opening an account.

The following terms are used in the documentation:

  • Payment partner – an entity that accepts, transfers, and pays out (in case of a refund) funds.
  • Sender – an individual who transfers funds.
  • Recipient – an individual who receives the funds transferred from the Sender. Note that the Sender can be the Recipient too in case of a refund or transfer to self.
  • Transfer code - transfer control number received from the payment partner. It is required to get the money.
  • Payment – a transaction within which funds are accepted from the Sender.
  • Payout – a transaction within which funds are paid out to the Recipient.

Note that:

  • Money transfer operations are only available for individuals 18 years old or older.
  • When filling in information on the Recipient, make sure you specify data as it is in the passport the Recipient will use to receive the money (i.e. most likely using the Latin alphabet).
  • Funds in Turkey can only be paid out in cash.
  • The period over which the Recipient can get the transferred money is not limited.
  • Please find the most convenient service point in Turkey.

Accepting funds

Sequence diagram of accepting funds

Sequence diagram of accepting funds

API for accepting funds

Paying out funds

Sequence diagram of paying out funds

Sequence diagram of paying out funds

If the transferred funds are paid out abroad, the Bank will notify the payment partner of the successful payout completion. The payment partner must be able to correctly process this notification. If needed, the payment partner can contact the Bank manager and deactivate this notification.

API for processing the successful payout notification

If the transferred funds cannot be paid out abroad for any reason or the sender decided to revoke the transfer, the payment is refunded.

Only the sender can initiate the refund by applying to the payment partner that performed the transfer.

API for refunding funds