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Token for recurring transfers

You can save the token received with the widget as a recurring token for future transfers, so that you don't have to pass your bank card information every time.

Perform one transfer successfully, selecting the option to save bank card details. In response to this transfer, you will receive a token. This token can be saved and used to accept future transfers.

How to get a token when creating a payment session

Send recurrent=true (in payment_options).

You can do this when starting a transfer.

If such a transfer is successfully performed, you will receive a token for recurring transfers with which you will be able to repeat the transfer.

In this case, you need to get the user's consent on your side beforehand.

Token statuses

When you create a token, it becomes active (is_active: true) and you can perform transfers via the token.

If a token is inactive (is_active: false) or expired, the transfer will not be processed and you will see an error.

How to learn the token status

Send a token/info request. In the type parameter, pass recurrent_token, in the recurrent_token.token parameter, pass the token.

In response, you will get info with the date of token expiration (finished_at) and status (is_active). The token expiration setting (finished_at) isn't processed by the Bank, i.e. the token will never expire and remain active even after the specified expiration date. If is_active: true, you can perform transfers via this token.

Please note that an active token won't guarantee a successful payment, since the payment can be, for some reason, rejected by the card issuer.

How to disable a token

If you don't want to use a token for payments anymore (e.g. a user disabled recurring payments), send a recurrent/disable request.

In response, you will receive recurrent. If is_active: false, it means the token is disabled and you cannot perform payments via token anymore.

After the token is disabled, the token expiration setting finished_at may contain a date of the year 2000. This value won't affect anything, so please disregard it.