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List of prohibited products (works/services) and activities

  1. Activity on fulfillment of the customer's assignment (including the assignment of the issuer of securities at their placement) to perform civil law transactions with securities and/or conclude contracts that are derivative financial instruments, performed on the basis of compensation agreements with the customer;

  2. Activities related to organization and execution of binary options;

  3. Armament, ammunition, military equipment, spare parts, components and devices for them, explosives, detonators, all types of rocket fuel, as well as special materials and special equipment for their production, special equipment of paramilitary organizations and normative and technical products for their production and operation.

  4. Rocket and space complexes, communication and control systems for military purposes and normative and technical documentation for their production and operation.

  5. Combat poisonous substances, means of protection against them and normative and technical documentation for their production and use.

  6. Results of research and design work, as well as fundamental search studies for weapons and military equipment.

  7. Services, works and materials related to military service and paramilitary activities.

  8. Any weapons, including hunting, civil and other weapons, as well as accessories to them, knives (except kitchen, pens, stationery).

  9. Radioactive substances and isotopes, uranium and other, fissile materials and articles made of them.

  10. Wastes of radioactive materials.

  11. Precious and rare-earth metals, gemstones, as well as wastes containing precious and rare-earth metals and gemstones.

  12. X-ray equipment, instruments and equipment using radioactive substances and isotopes.

  13. Poisons, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, their precursors.

  14. Ethyl alcohol, alcoholic drinks.

  15. Prescription drugs, as well as narcotic, psychotropic and alcohol-containing (with volume fraction of ethyl alcohol over 25%) drugs and balms based on alcohol.

  16. Medicinal raw materials obtained from reindeer herding (antlers and endocrine raw materials).

  17. Tobacco products.

  18. Encryption technology, and regulatory and technical documentation for its production and use.

  19. Forged money marks.

  20. Foreign currency and other currency values, coins and banknotes of the Russian Federation in circulation.

  21. Radio electronic and special technical means intended for tacit reception of information, as well as high-frequency devices consisting of one or more radio transmitting devices and (or) their combinations and auxiliary equipment intended for transmission and reception of radio waves at frequency above 8 GHz.

  22. Materials and services that violate the secrecy of private life, infringe on the honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens and legal entities, and contain state, banking, commercial and other secrets.

  23. State awards of the Russian Federation, RSFSR, USSR and their copies. 24.State identification cards, signs, passes, permits, certificates, travel documents and licenses, as well as other documents that grant rights or exempt from rights/obligations, forms for these documents, as well as services for obtaining them.

  24. Objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as objects of archaeological heritage.

  25. Human organs and tissues, as well as donor services.

  26. Animals and plants listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation constituent entities, parts and organs of animals listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation constituent entities, as well as animals and plants protected by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

  27. Hides and products from the hides of rare and endangered species of animals in accordance with current legislation of the Russian Federation.

  28. Fishing nets, materials for their manufacture, as well as services for their manufacture, electric snares and traps, prohibited for sale in the Russian Federation.

  29. Extremist materials, materials calling for mass disorders, terrorist activity and extremist activities, for participation in mass public events, incitement of inter-ethnic and inter-religious discord.

  30. Objects with Nazi symbols or symbols of organizations banned in the Russian Federation.

  31. Counterfeit or stolen products or property.

  32. Databases, including those containing personal data, which may facilitate unauthorized mailings.

  33. Materials transmitted only virtually and not recorded on any material medium (ideas, methods, principles, etc.).

  34. Gambling equipment used for gambling, lottery equipment, services for accepting bets to participate in online gambling, accepting payments for lottery tickets, receipts and other documents certifying the right to participate in the lottery, as well as the sale of virtual currency, etc.

  35. Activities of the casino (including online casino (virtual casino, online casino)).

  36. Activity on organization and holding of gambling.

  37. Documents on transport means, state numbers on transport means.

  38. Goods the circulation of which violates intellectual rights of third parties (including patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc.).

  39. Investment services, operations with cash and crypt currencies, as well as goods and services, the acquisition / use of which is guaranteed to bring income and profit.

  40. Goods and services sold by a multi-level network marketing organization, whose activities are based on the creation of a network of independent distributors (sales agents).

  41. Services and/or work of intimate/erotic/ sexual nature, as well as pornographic/erotic materials.

  42. Goods/services, the use of which may be aimed at violation of applicable laws of the Russian Federation.

  43. Non-existent goods or services, as well as goods/services that have no consumer value.

  44. Consultations / seminars on tax evasion.

  45. Transcendental services and services of non-traditional medicine.

  46. Services for the replacement of the licensed software or violation of the technical protection means established by the right holder for phones, smartphones, laptops, navigators, personal computers, etc..

  47. Other goods/services, the circulation of which is prohibited or restricted under the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as may have a negative impact on the business reputation of the Bank and/or the International Payment Systems.